As a cooperative, we are owned by the members we serve, and unlike investor-owned utility companies, we promote saving energy to help our members save money!

Take advantage of the federal income tax credits available under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022...

EV Mythbusters

Let's bust some common EV myths!
Use these five tips to plug into smarter, safer, and more energy efficient technologies.
Dishwashers save energy and water, but millions go unused. Is your dishwasher feeling a little empty...
As the weather gets colder, these tips will help you save money without sacrificing your family's co...
Got a second refrigerator? They're trendy but definitely not cool. Find out how to recycle it and sa...
Learn how using smart plugs can make your home more efficient and your life more convenient.
Try these DIY outdoor projects to save you energy and money!
CCEC's Prairie Sun Community Solar offers members the chance to receive the benefits of solar energy...

Summer fill reminder

Attention off-peak participants - Summer fill reminder
Off-peak water heating can save you big $$$!

All tech on deck

As we move toward a carbon-free electric grid, Cass County Electric Cooperative continues to advocat...
Read to discover six things you might not know about the coal mining industry.
Electrify your summer adventure with these four tools!

EV Timeline

Take a look at CCEC's EV journey through the years!

Chill your bill

Learn seven ways to keep your bill down this summer!
Federal tax credits for home energy improvements were recently expanded and extended. Here's the lat...
Is home office equipment adding unnecessary stress to monthly bills? Inspector Energy goes to work t...
Does air-source heat pump performance drop along with outdoor temperatures? Lets find out.
Are you drowning in water heating costs? Here's what you can do to stop the drain on your energy bud...